Creating A Healthy Joint Biomechanics Routine For Runners
It sounds simple, right? Just run. But running creates a host of stresses on the body that can be detrimental to your performance and injury risk. The majority of running happens through two phases: eccentric (engaging) and concentric (returning) movements. Eccentric movements happen when you increase muscle tension as you run, such as leg swinging or foot striking.
This phase decelerates your forward momentum and forces your muscles to contract harder than usual to propel you forward again. Concentric movements happen when you start accelerating again after a deceleration phase, such as landing from a stride or starting from a walk.
When combined with an injury prevention routine, these stressors can lead to overuse injuries like plantar fasciitis and shin splints. To reduce the chance of these types of injuries, runners need to understand how their joints move during different running motions and create a healthy joint biomechanics routine.
Let’s explore some potential strategies for reducing joint stressors while also optimizing recovery between runs.
Build A Regular, Weekly Running Routine
Running is a great form of exercise and can be a great stress reliever, but it’s also a very high-impact activity. When you run, you put pressure on your body in several ways. Your muscles contract to propel you forward and then relax to absorb the shock. Your joints are also subjected to stresses as they absorb shock from impact.
You need to build a regular, weekly running routine by sticking to a certain amount of miles each week and resting days in between runs. This will help prevent injuries like shin splints and plantar fasciitis as well as prevent overuse injuries caused by cumulative fatigue from constant running.
Focus On Speed-Based Runs
When you’re focusing on speed-based running, the goal is to increase your cadence (the number of steps per minute) and sustain it for a longer period. As you get stronger, you should be able to move from a slow pace to a faster one without losing form or stride length.
Get Grounded With Some Jogging Sessions
The first step to creating a JBR is incorporating a consistent, low-impact cardio routine into your current workout regimen. The most common form of cardio workouts is jogging and walking. These activities provide both cardiovascular and muscular benefits and can be incorporated into your walk or jog training.
Add Technique Drills To Build Stability And Coordination
One of the first steps in developing an effective FIX24 Joint Biomechanics is to understand how different joints move during running. This can be accomplished through technique drills or by taking a video of yourself during your run. The next step would be to create a daily routine that includes these movement patterns so that they become natural and automatic.
Don’t Forget About Strength Training
Strengthening your muscles helps to reduce the risk of injury. It also increases your running endurance. Running is a high-intensity activity that requires both cardiovascular and muscular fitness. The more you strengthen your muscles, the more your body will be able to handle the intense decelerations.