4 Tips for Staying Healthy Over 80

If you can manage to reach the age of 80, you’ve already made a huge achievement. After all, reaching this age is a significant milestone, and symbolizes so much more than just getting older. You’ve accumulated all sorts of memories and experience, and you should be proud as you enter your golden years! If you’re looking for ways to maintain your health over 80 and beyond, then here are some of the best tips to follow.
Get Active
Staying physically active is critical when it comes to aging healthily. Regular exercise won’t just help you burn calories, but also will maintain your muscle strength and even your balance. Increasing your balance means you’ll be that much less susceptible to slip and fall injuries which can be incredibly common in the senior age bracket.
Lastly, staying active supports your cardiovascular health, and can even improve your mood. From walking to taking an aerobics class, there are all sorts of ways to keep your body active and stay healthy.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Although it’s OK to indulge once in a while, maintaining a balanced diet is crucial. Proper nutrition is everything when it comes to not only maintaining your energy levels, but even boosting your immune system.
What’s more, some studies have concluded that maintaining a balanced diet can even prevent chronic diseases. As we age our nutritional needs evolve, and as such you must adapt your diet accordingly. Eat plenty of nutrient dense foods like vegetables and fruits, and don’t forget healthy fats! Your brain is primarily created of fat, so eating a low fat diet is only going to encourage cognitive decline.
Stay Social
Staying socially connected is a crucial part of staying healthy. This is because one of the biggest health concerns among seniors is depression. Because seniors tend to go out less than they once did in their younger years, they tend to isolate, and as such can develop depression.
Loneliness is nothing anyone should have to endure. Unfortunately in many cases it’s self-inflicted. Try to stay connected by joining clubs or groups, or even volunteering! The more you stay in touch with people the healthier your physical and emotional health will be.
Sharpen Your Brain
Mental stimulation is an important part of avoiding cognitive decline and ultimately improving your quality of life since you can maintain your independence. The best part is that sharpening your brain can often be fun!
Why not try out a new skill like learning a language? Perhaps you could download a puzzle game which challenges your brain! Lastly, don’t forget the power of reading. The simple act of reading even 15 minutes a day can make a significant difference in your brain health.